Stemma Guardia di Finanza


The Guardia di Finanza not only organizes training initiatives in Italy to the benefit of foreign personnel, but also supports institutions from third Countries “at home”.

This includes a number of forms of assistance (courses, conferences, exercises, mentoring, monitoring, analysis and organizational support, etc.) which are modelled in order to meet the specific needs related to the social and economic, juridical and institutional targeted reality. In particular, implementing “ad hoc” interventions, which in most cases are part of projects lunched and financed by international or regional organizations, means to enhance existing reality and good practices, combining them with the know-how that the Corps can share, based on the bottom-up approach.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, responsible for the establishment of the national strategies for foreign politics, has based intervention methods on four pillars, namely: “Capacity building” (or training), “Institution building”, also including organizational aspects, “Law enforcement”, on a legislative level and “Consensus building” or “Value dissemination”, to disseminate the core values which underpin proposed initiatives.

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