Stemma Guardia di Finanza


Cooperation with foreign counterparts in the different sectors of institutional interest (tax, customs, police, maritime, fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, academic, training and capacity building) is currently implemented through a network of 26 Officers abroad, including 23 Attachés, 1 Support personnel and 2 Liaison Officers.

In this respect, Guardia di Finanza Attachés are currently posted in Belgrade, Bern, Brasilia, Buenos Aires, La Valletta, London, Madrid, Moscow, New York (United Nations Organization), New Delhi, Panama City, Paris (Permanent delegation of Italy to the International Organization), Paris (Italian Embassy), Beijing, Tunis, Tirana, Vienna, The Hague, Berlin, Ankara, Abu Dhabi, Washington D.C., Bruxelles (European Union, together with one Officer employed as Support personnel). Two more Liaison Officers are located in Cologne (ZKA-RILO WE) and Bruxelles (World Customs Organization – WCO).

In addition to the above mentioned officers, the Corps has detached some more personnel at international entities. In particular, a high number of Guardia di Finanza representatives significantly contribute to EU activities (detachments at Europol, Frontex, Eurojust, European Union Military Staff – EUMS, European Maritime Safety Agency – EMSA, European Union Intellectual Property Office – EUIPO, European Anti-fraud Office – OLAF, Directorate-General for Budget and Directorate-General for Competition). Furthermore, the Guardia di Finanza has representatives at Interpol, United Nations Organization – UN in New York and IMO missions (Tirana), IPA Balkans (Sarajevo).

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