Stemma Guardia di Finanza


Protection of the market for goods and services

The role of the economic-financial police is also expressed in the protection of the market of goods and services against illicit conduct that threatens its stability and balance, to safeguard the correct market dynamics, to defend honest economic operators, as well as the safety of consumers.

The operational lines of intervention of the Guardia di Finanza are divided into four distinct areas, aimed, respectively, at combating counterfeiting, fake Made in Italy, product safety and the illegal economic exploitation of works protected by copyright.

The interventions are developed, in particular, along three main lines of action: the control of customs areas, economic control of the territory and investigative activities in the strict sense, aimed at reconstructing the entire 'chain of counterfeiting', even if located abroad, thanks to the channels of international cooperation.

Further operational plans are reserved for safeguarding 'industrial districts' against the various forms of illegality that jeopardise their stability and development, including counterfeiting and intellectual property violations.

The commitment of the Corp in the market of goods and services is completed with the controls in matters of price discipline and with the collaboration with the various administrative Authorities with functions of guarantee, regulation and vigilance of the free competition between businesses and of the rights of the consumers, such as the Guarantor Authority of the competition and market (A.G.C.M.), the Authority for Telecommunications Guarantees (AG.COM.), the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (A.R.E.R.A.), the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, the Transport Regulatory Authority (A.R.T.).

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