Stemma Guardia di Finanza


The aggression against the illicit phenomena which concern the public contracts constitutes a primary objective in the intervention strategy of the Corp.

The Guardia di Finanza carries out, under the direction of the Magistracy, investigations in matters of crimes against the Public Administration, aimed at detecting, among other things, eventual irregularities in the tenders. The investigative activities, characterized by high specialization and technicality, allow the interception of mechanisms of disturbed freedom of the tenders as well as acts of real conditioning of the contracting stations.

The Corp, on the basis of the specific provisions of the Code of Public Contracts, is directly involved in the activities of vigilance also in support of the National Anti-Corruption Authority. To this end, the Special Anti-Corruption Nucleus represents, in the central seat, the first reference point in the lines of partnership with the aforementioned Authority and is flanked, in the peripheral seat, by the Anti-Corruption Sections/Drappels constituted in the principal Nuclei of economic-financial Police.

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