Stemma Guardia di Finanza


The Guardia di Finanza is strongly committed to guaranteeing an adequate control in the prevention and counteraction to conduct which could be prejudicial to the correct perception and use of the public, national and European resources, in line with the requests for legality that come from the Country.

The strategic importance of these activities lies in the need, on the one hand, to ensure the protection of the budget of the State, the Regions, local authorities and the European Union and the effective achievement of the purposes for which public interventions are intended and, on the other, to safeguard the entire system from the interests of economic crime, including organised crime.

The efficacy of the controls is made possible, moreover, by the penetrating powers usable by the Corp in the sector, which include the powers provided for by the anti-money laundering discipline.

The interventions, targeted and selective, move from concrete and circumstantial elements of anomaly, detected on the basis of the informative input acquired during the activities of economic control of the territory, from the consultation of the databases, from the activities of intelligence, as well as from the analysis of risk elaborated by the Special Component.

For these purposes, the synergy with the bodies responsible for the management/supply of the expenditure flows is decisive, with which, over time, important channels of collaboration have been promoted, which allow the Corp to dispose of a wealth of circumstantial information, useful both for the purposes of the projects of the Special Units - in particular, of the Special Nucleus of Public Expenditure and Repression of Community Fraud and of the Special Anti-Corruption Nucleus - and of the investigative activities of the operative Units on the national territory.

Existing partnerships include those with the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Court of Auditors, the Revenue Agency (in relation to non-repayable contributions under Article 25 of Decree-Law no. 34/2020), Sace S.p.A., the Institute of Services for the Agricultural Food Market.

The service activities have the dual objective of blocking disbursements and recovering unduly received sums: to this end, all suitable initiatives are taken, in a systematic manner, to allow, in the criminal field, the timely application of preventive seizure measures, including for equivalent, thanks to the full, active cooperation with the Judicial Authority.

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