Stemma Guardia di Finanza


The Guardia di Finanza also ensures its support to public security in the mountain areas, through its component of Alpine Rescue, which is divided into many Stations, located throughout the Country, engaged in search, rescue, and protection of human life activities.

The personnel working in this field is trained with supporting dog units in Alpine School in Predazzo (Trent), by using cutting-edge techniques that provide for the possibility of working on snow, ice, cliffs and in case of emergency.

Alpine Rescue Units can achieve a certain level of wide-ranging and prompt operational projection. Their functions have been further increased by important initiatives concerning training, order, organization and technical-logistic fields, letting the Alpine Rescue use technological equipment in particular emergencies and in the performance of criminal police duties.

Furthermore, the abovementioned specialized Units are different from the other aid operators because they deal with criminal police investigation, as “mountain” Police Force combating illegal activities.

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