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Ministry of Economy and Finance
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Historical background
From 1774 to the unification of Italy: Light Troops Legion
From 1861 to the First World War: from Corps of customs guards to Corps of the Royal Guardia di Finanza
Corps of the Royal Guardia di Finanza in the First and Second World Wars
The post-war reconstruction and the definition of the institutional tasks of Guardia di Finanza
Guardia di Finanza in peacetime
The evolution of Guardia di Finanza from customs police to modern economic-financial police
The international dimension of the Corps
Institutional tasks
Who we are: objectives and investigative activities
The fight against evasion
General framework
The fight against black economy
Combating organised fraud and international tax evasion
Action against gambling and illegal betting
Anti-smuggling activities in the customs sector and countering fraud in the excise sector
The fight against any misuse of public money and illegality within the public administration
Countering the fraud to public funds
Combating irregularities in national and European public spending
Checks on social and welfare benefits
The protection of legality in the Public Administration
Supervision in the field of public procurement
Cooperation with the Court of Auditors
The fight against economic and financial crimes
The fight against the business activities and the assets of the organized crime
The fight against the laundering of illicit proceeds
Combating international terrorism financing
Protection of the market for goods and services
The prevention of other economic and financial violations
The contribution to the internal and external security of the country
The activity of the air-sea component against illegal trafficking: the “police of the sea”
Economic control of the territory and public utility service 117
The support to the public order and security
Rescue operations and contribution to civil protection
The alpine rescue of customs officers
The contribution to the military defence
Human resources
Economic-Financial Police School
The air and see fleet
The motor vehicle fleet
The action of the Guardia di Finanza abroad
Guardia di Finanza personnel abroad
International capacity building in economic and financial investigations
International technical assistance in tax matters and police matters to the benefit of foreign Countries
“Distance” training projects for foreign Police Forces
International Memoranda of Understanding
International relations
The cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and the participation of the Corps in interinstitutional, multilateral or international fora
International joint operations
International cooperation on investigations
The tools of international cooperation in tax matters
The Fiamme Gialle Sports Groups
Institutional tasks
Who we are: objectives and investigative activities
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The fight against evasion
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The fight against any misuse of public money and illegality within the public administration
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The fight against economic and financial crimes
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The contribution to the internal and external security of the country
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Human resources
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Organizational structure
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Last update:
26-05-2022 11:05
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