Stemma Guardia di Finanza


In peacetime, the Guardia di Finanza played an important role as well, which has been acknowledged through many Purple Hearts and Civilian’s badges of Merit to its battle flag and to the single soldiers.

In occasion of natural disasters, the soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza have always been on the first line, to help people to save lives, to relieve the suffering and give some support.

The mountain rescue shall be given a special attention. It has worked since its establishment in 1965, and today includes 28 Units deployed in the Alps, central Apennines, Aspromonte and the volcano Etna. It is composed by a high-motivated, qualified and selected staff.

The Corps plays a preeminent role also as far as sea rescuing is concerned, when people’s life is in danger and to secure safe navigation. In the last years, the rescue operations carried out by the Guardia di Finanza soldiers have significantly increased, due to the struggle against illegal immigration across the sea.

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